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  1. Y

    Official BOS Trial 2016 Thread

    Hit me up with 3 & 4u. Hope i dont get fked too hard
  2. Y

    Creative Writing Work

    Stimulus 3 - a briefcase on a road The sound of raining artillery in the distance rumbled, echoing through the caves. Faint light filtered through a distant opening reflecting off the cave walls in a dense navy blue. The ground and ceiling occasionally crackled with dust and rock, each shell...
  3. Y

    Creative Writing Work

    So I just did my creative exam. It gave us 3 stimuli and would pick one on the day of the exam. I prepared 3 separate creatives. And just as is my luck they pick the stimulus for which I have the worst creative for. So here are the other 2 creatives seeing as they are unadaptable and I hate...