Question from 2016 2601 paper:
$\noindent Let $G$ be a group. For any $g \in G$ we define the set \newline \newline $C_g = \{ x \in G \hspace{2mm} | \hspace{2mm} gx = xg \}$ \newline \newline Prove that $C_g$ is a subgroup of $G$. \newline \newline I am not entirely sure where to even begin...
a^2 = e \implies a^2 b = b \implies a (ab) = b \implies a = b . So this cannot be true.
a^2 = a \implies a = e Which also cannot be true, so by elimnation a^2 = b
Hoo boy, The USA could have just used the INFO1903 Midsem instead of that MOAB. Note to future people who have no coding experience wanting to try out CS: fuck advanced informatics :)
I think it's good for you, with a bit of a proviso that you actually like the people you are competing with. I found a great technique was just being ultra competitive with my closest friends all the time. The people I didn't like I usually didn't give a shit about so it didn't really help in...
No real need to practice at all its so easy, but if you go to google and type in Hazard Prevention Test South Australia, there a couple practice ones which are exactly what come up in the test. Takes like 5 mins max to do them as there are only 5
I used mine quite a bit and in reality there is no serious disadvantage to owning one. It can help you get 1 mark questions in a matter of seconds and also check your arithmetic on any yucky computations.
From a competitive perspective, if it's allowed to be used then you can assume other...
Anyone else get an email for the TSP program? If so what are your areas of interest?
Personally I put down Financial Math, Pure Math and Computer Science.
1. Approximately how many hours a day did you dedicate to study/homework each day
I got home around 7-8pm most weekdays as I played Soccer and Chess, and was a Cadet Officer at school - which basically only left my Monday/Wednesday nights free for me to get home at around 4:30. On Mondays I...
Yeah I'll have a look through - I think it may be being funny since it seems to think MATH1905 is a prereq, by which case it won't really matter. For that matter, do I have to pick any semester 2 subjects now? Since a lot of the subjects I want to do require certain criteria based on Sem1 subjects
So I'm enrolling for Bachelor of Advanced Science, and just picking my electives - but I can't seem to select this subject. I'm fairly sure I should be able to as I can't see any prohibitions.
I agree that honours year with the engineering component does seem quite a deal-breaker honestly... Within the Advanced Science Degree can you double major across disciplines If you structured the degree correctly?
Obviously that's a hard thing to know having just completed high school maths lol - But I just feel beyond the undergrad maths subjects (which i have researched tediously) I feel there is still much to learn.