Not far off the mark to be honest. OP's issues with study and motivation seem to be symptoms of some underlying problems in his life. I haven't seen the OP in person nor am I a proper psychologist, so I strongly recommend he sees someone who can and is.
This. From what I've seen economics rewards a very particular type of thinking. People who can analyse situations in a strictly logical manner without necessarily paying heed to intuition generally find the subject very easy. For these people, eco isn't content heavy at all because most of the...
Hey there!
To become a dentist you have to complete a degree that entitles you to apply for professional registration with the Dental Board. These degrees come in an assortment of different names (Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Master of Dentistry, etc.). Essentially...
Include med, but not the rest of science. Graduating with a standard BSc gives you shit all in terms of career prospects, unless you want to be a science teacher. In which case you'd struggle to get yourself a mortgage in Campbelltown.
You most definitely can; there's nothing preventing you from enrolling in a medical degree, graduating, and being admitted to practice in spite of a previous mental illness.
However, as sabbabby stated, I think any aspiring doctor should think about the potential implications that practising...
If you don't mind me asking, what are your LAT scores/predicted ATAR? The necessary LAT percentile for admission changes depending on what ATAR you end up getting. For reference, the median ATAR for students admitted to the program last year was around 98, with a median LAT percentile of 74...
I agree that you raise a very important point about the insidious creep of innumeracy amongst ordinary people. However, simply making maths compulsory in Years 11 and 12 is akin to locking the barn door after the horse has bolted. Even year 9 and 10 maths is more than sufficient to get by in...
Yes, once you accept the offer it's a matter between you and MQ. UAC is out of the picture at that point so you're ok to remove the preference without affecting the offer.
I don't think there are any distinctions between different 'types' of law degree, at least in Australia. All law degrees (LLB or JD) must adhere to the same core academic requirements set by the various state-based Law Societies for admission into the profession. In this sense the specific...
Yeah, guessing marking criteria is a suggestion that I've heard before, but I haven't heard any concrete strategies aside from essentially looking at past markschemes and memorising the patterns (as you suggested). It seems like a crapton of information to have to memorise in addition to the...
Hey guys!
I've got trials next week and going through some phys and chem past papers, I've run into a bit of a predicament. I know all the content and syllabus points, so there are very rarely any questions that I'm unsure of when going through a paper. But when I mark the papers, I...