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  1. H

    Doing past papers by topic all in one go or spread over the year?

    Hey, yeah this is where I'm leaning to as well. I'm only even considering the other option because a maths teacher told me that doing one a week is good.
  2. H

    Doing past papers by topic all in one go or spread over the year?

    I am just going to go off the past papers that are available for free online.
  3. H

    Doing past papers by topic all in one go or spread over the year?

    Hey, thanks for the reply. We actually don't do any inequality induction questions anymore. But anyway, so you think doing them over the year is better than doing a bunch of them now, and then just a bunch before tests and then final exams?
  4. H

    Doing past papers by topic all in one go or spread over the year?

    Hey guys, we have finished our first extension topic induction. As I've heard that doing past papers is the best way to study, my question now is should I do all past paper induction questions in one go like in one or two weekends, or should I do one or two a week spread over the year? Thank you!
  5. H

    acceleration Q, thanks

    Why isn't acceleration just 2x?
  6. H

    Anyone have Shintoism notes?

    Hi, does anyone have the notes for Shintoism? It is a very hard topic to find notes on so I would greatly appreciate it if someone had them here :)
  7. H

    Preliminary Physics 2019 Syllabus

    Hello, sorry if I'm late to this but I would sincerely appreciate it if you could PM the resources as well! Thank you!
  8. H

    Holiday Preparation for Yr 11 English and Maths Extension?

    Hey guys, my name's howyagoing12 and I have a question for you all. How can I best utilise my holidays to prepare for Year 11? Today marks the first day of holidays and school starts at the end of January or beginning of Feburary, so I have a fair bit of time to prepare. Subjects I'm...