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  1. LyricalYellow9

    UAC application help please :(

    It's pretty nice so far; my med sci core unit is the least stressful out of my 4 units this semester though somehow lmao.
  2. LyricalYellow9

    UAC application help please :(

    Yep haha it just fixed itself before offers came out. Had a bit of a panic for nothing
  3. LyricalYellow9

    what coding language are you learning in SDD

    haha gang gangg you doing info1113 next sem?
  4. LyricalYellow9

    what coding language are you learning in SDD

    In HS our class learned Python In uni (just started my 1st year) we're also learning Python
  5. LyricalYellow9

    band 6 standard english, is it possible?

    I had the exact same question as you coming into my HSC year lol, and I won't deny that it's definitely tough to get a B6 in standard English. What you can probably do from now on is to do your best in studying for english standard. A band 6 is possible, but you'd have to be ranked within the...
  6. LyricalYellow9

    Changing Subjects

    ^^^ Biology has a lot of content packed into its syllabus, and consists of a lot of rote-learning (although, going off the 2019 HSC exam, they're trying to push students away from rote-learning by adding more 'working scientifically' questions) . Take a look at the syllabus' dot points to see if...
  7. LyricalYellow9


    How does everyone keep track of their timetables? I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to have my uni timetable ready, but I can't convert my timetable to google calendar, so I was wondering if there were any apps or sites that current uni students use to remind them of upcoming classes (and...
  8. LyricalYellow9

    need help with majors

    Thank you for the reply ! Just a quick q, I've just gone with software design before seeing this but I was wondering if there was a difference in the subjects you study between computer science and software design? is CS more programming based? ty again
  9. LyricalYellow9

    need help with majors

    Hi so during enrollment for my course at usyd, I was interested in choosing a major between the following: Computer Science Software Development Neuroscience I would really appreciate if anyone who is enrolled with these majors at any uni could maybe share some insight into things like What...
  10. LyricalYellow9

    chem bridging course at usyd

    So for my course at Usyd next year (B sci / b adv studies med sci ) HSC chemistry is assumed knowledge for a lot of my units and students are 'strongly advised' to take the bridging course before the semester starts to get caught up to speed with everyone else. But I was wondering if it would...
  11. LyricalYellow9

    UAC application help please :(

    So I just checked my UAC application for uni and I applied for 2 courses in USYD, but there was a small sign underneath the course name saying: 'Not eligible - you have not satisfied admission requirements.' and I'm scared, like how did that happen? Could someone please offer some reasons why...
  12. LyricalYellow9

    b science b business help

    Awesome, thanks so much for this!
  13. LyricalYellow9

    b science b business help

    Oh okay, which unis are better would you say?
  14. LyricalYellow9

    b science b business help

    What are the job prospects for this combined degree? I'm kind of just running into it blindly, and I think I would enjoy this course (the science part moreso, probably) But also, has anyone taken this course and could provide some advice or opinions? Or any UTS student really, I'd just love to...
  15. LyricalYellow9

    Social Inclusion and Exclusion: Women in Afghanistan

    Notes that I mainly copied from my school's own workbook. Hope they help :)
  16. LyricalYellow9


    Yep pretty much exactly that. I compared the sayings of Darryl's household to the formal language from the lawyers and said something like 'it shows they can't really coexist well, hence tension or something lmao
  17. LyricalYellow9


    Yo I also did the castle for mod B! I talked about how disparities in the formality and register in dialogue distinguished people from different social classes apart. I only did 2 body paragraphs and the second one was about multicultural Australia and how dialogue differentiated people also...
  18. LyricalYellow9

    English Standard Paper 2 Exam Thoughts

    My mod C piece made me want to cry lmaoo it was so bad. I lowkey wish we had a different stimulus but it is what it is. I'm just glad I finished all my sections on time
  19. LyricalYellow9

    standard english help

    Ahh that gives me hope, thanks!! Thank you for the tips, I'll get onto writing heaps of practice essays. Would you say it's a good idea to use some of my topic sentences and theses from my school assessments (that scored well ofc) and bring it into the HSC? (my school's a public school so idk...
  20. LyricalYellow9

    standard english help

    Ah okay, thank you! I'll just have to grind hard o_O