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  1. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    That's appalling. Do you mind if I ask if you're at a Selective?
  2. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Did people cheat? I'm guessing not much or the results would have been out of whack.
  3. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    You may find though that everyone was messed up and that the top kids still come in at the top. The schools do look at the rankings to see whether there's a decent distribution across the bands, they know from past results what those distributions should look like. If they're doing their jobs...
  4. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    What would your marks usually be like on a task like that?
  5. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Lousy on the school's part. I feel for you, but I wonder what the overall rankings were like? Ours held the tasks and then abolished them 2 weeks later because the ranks were so messed up.
  6. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    I didn't know that was even possible.
  7. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    It wasn't open book. Students were meant to be doing the exams for real. We couldn't believe it either.
  8. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Thanks idkkdi. The School did actually abolish the marks or rather downgrade the task to a formative assessment task only, in school-speak, but not before an awful lot of people complained. My son was just incredibly stressed out and couldn't believe it was happening as it was obvious to him...
  9. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Actual formal exams with the marks going towards internal HSC marks.
  10. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Well, no monitoring via Zoom or Teams. So students are in touch with other on phones etc and can cheat - ie look things up, give each other answers etc when it's meant to be a timed exam done in isolation.
  11. T

    Who else had unsupervised exams during lockdown?

    Hi, I'm the parent of a Year 12 student in NSW. Just wondering if anyone here knows of other schools which held unsupervised online Mid-Course exams during lockdown back in May? My son's school did and it caused a lot of stress. Was this a common thing? Thanks.