The rule is number of marks minus one for quotes and techniques, but if you can add more techniques (and quotes if you need to fill out the lines) its obviously better.
To stop it sounding disjointed, maybe add linking words like additionally, furthermore, however, finally, before some sentences (not all though). Also if the sentences are long enough they will naturally not sound disjointed. E.g. The symbolic act of quote demonstrates B, that results from C...
Always fill out the lines they give you.
Answer the question directly in the first sentence.
BE SPECIFIC. E.g. 'the author conveys emotions' SHOULD BE written as 'the author conveys emotions of loneliness and isolation through his depiction of...'.
EVERY quote must be supported with a technique...
A couple of quick questions regarding the subject:
What year did the new syllabus start and is it going to be the same for 2022 HSC?
Also, are past papers written before the change still useful?
Thank you.