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  1. M

    Compare your PC (using a benchmark program)

    lol that only depends on the voltage you put through it and the heat, the recommended heat max heat for a q6600 is 75 degrees, mines at 53 on 100% cpu =P, i have a zalman 7900 cpu cooler and a antec 900 gaming case lol.
  2. M

    Compare your PC (using a benchmark program)

    My comp, i actually have 4gb ram but the 32bit version of vista doesn't show it ^^. And yes its overclocked. Benchmark Results Test NameThis ComputerCPU - Integer Math593.7CPU - Floating Point Math1581.2CPU - Find Prime Numbers1296.3CPU - SSE/3DNow!11622.7CPU - Compression15123.9CPU -...