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  1. F

    Simple Harmonic Q Help please

    Answer: (a) Ampltitude: 2b = 4 Period: Pi (b) 8 ms^-1
  2. F

    Question help please

    Ooh thanks for this
  3. F

    Question help please

    Thank you
  4. F

    Question help please

    So, they're equal because the "equations integrand are the same" and has the same limits, making them a dummy variable? I get everything else but am not too sure if I'm correctly understanding why the two are equal/what is a dummy variable.
  5. F

    Related texts for the crucible in the common module??????

    blackmirror - nosedive (episode name) themes: power of ochlocracy + reputation, some other themes i forgot
  6. F

    Question help please

    Answer is C but I'm getting pi..please help I looked at the solution and im stuck up to here: I don't get the next step after
  7. F

    Question Help Please

    Could someone help with (i) (2020 killara trial paper)
  8. F

    What are some good math extension 1 papers?

    What are some good math extension 1 papers to prepare for the hsc?
  9. F

    What are some good chemistry past papers?

    What are some good chemistry past papers to prepare for the hsc?