Search results

  1. random93810938

    School and LGBT

    Hi guys, it's some LGBT awareness day today so I just want to start some discussions regarding the topic. Do you guys think schools are pushing it a bit too much? I think they have a bit of a distorted perspective of "respecting and accepting" others to be inclusive which compels us to use...
  2. random93810938

    does n award warning go into record

    Hi guys, does anyone know if you have an n award warning, does it go into your record for universities to see? The reason why I'm asking is because my friend may get one, his dumbass forgot a lot of the quotes for his essays so his paper is low-key blank. If you do the work again and redeem it...
  3. random93810938

    Should I repeat year 12 or transfer in uni?

    Hi, question is the title. I know from different posts that generally it is not advised to repeat year 12 but please hear me out because it would be good to get more opinions tailored to my circumstances. I was told that repeating will not improve atar that much but I think that it may in my...