idk about consistency since I wasn't consistent at all for 2u/3u, only rly for 4u
basically just finish content early and do past papers when u feel like it ig? idk
I think this guy was asking about the averages in their trials, not the hsc
The nsb/ruse trial averages are nowhere near 80% 💀💀💀
(tho ruse trials ain’t even that hard lowkey)
it hasn't changed at all since 2020, the syllabus last changed in 2017 but came into effect in 2020 (or 2019 for prelim papers)
you can just find old papers and do the questions which look like they're in the syllabus
have a read:
u chill, i think learning ahead for vectors/mechanics would be useful in general
for mechanics, make sure ur integration is at least decent
i did 4u before physics and tbh, doesn't rly help ion think
physics vectors are a lot more barebones than 4u vectors
the only thing in physics that'd...