anyway that was day one, you might have seen my status as online at about 12:50 i popped in during my lunch break on mobile LOL they gave me a laptop to use and im not signing into BoS on that soooo
3. they had this music playing in the background and it really put me at ease yk... some of it was punk-rock or something but otherwise i didnt really take any notice
4. the seat was SOOOO FUCKING COMFORTABLE like my butt sank into the seat and the back was the perfect angle honestly
2. (continuted) also they were really cool snacks because we're nearby a novelty sweets shop like i got to try this caramel swirl chips thing and OMFG it tasted like theme park in such a good way and this weird peanut square thing (the packaging was 'git in Chinese???)
more to come
so i got there at like 7:50 but i had to wait until like 8:35 to start 😭
when i did my like pre "interview" thing the guy who took me through it said they would have snacks being passed around the office but DAMN they actually were???
more to come
I'm on work placement starting tomorrow, Monday until Friday, all day every day.
so hopefully (😭) i'll be using it a lot less during work/school hours