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  1. C

    First Years

    hey just another random contribution to this thread: Im doing 40 units full time in a BA, that means il have my course done in 3 years, is that right?
  2. C

    First Years

    and now for something completely different: Where the hell is EAG01? its not on the map. does it not exist?
  3. C

    need 78 UAI. how am i going?

    stop viewing my thread and place a comment damn it! spose my trial marks would help religion studies 33/50 english adv 68/100 general maths 72/100 biz studies 76/100 ip 64/100 art 78/100
  4. C

    uai estimate

    ip 17th/35 trials 64/100 english adv 24th/41 68/100 maths gen 35th/89 75/100 art 8th/16 78/100 biz studies 13th/38 72/100 religion studies 1 unit 14th/23 33/50...
  5. C

    need 78 UAI. how am i going?

    my school performs dead on the averadge of the state ive been told and my rankings are thus: religion studies 1: 14/23 english advanced: 24/41 general maths: 35/89 business studies: 13/38 information processing: 17/34 (assessment mark of 71) visual arts: 8/16 Any ideas?
  6. C

    Am i able to redeem myself ????????

    if ur schools that good then probably. how do u figure where ur school comes in the state anyway?
  7. C

    How do we determine our aligned marks?

    where are those stats from?
  8. C

    How do we determine our aligned marks?

    if anyones out there. if im in the top 15 for most of my subjects that should mean i get in band 5 for my assesment mark roughly right? ie 80-90?