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  1. S

    How was your school day?

    Kujah thats study skills thing for us only cost $18. Anyhow my day was alright and all the subjects i had went pretty good. Playing handball at school was pretty fun and the high light of the day. Oh yeh the weather was weird today, there was a flash of lightning that was so strong that for one...
  2. S

    How was your school day?

    Yeh my day sucked as well, couldn't freaken read properly in English advanced and had a bloody migraine. Biology was ok i liked the experiement we did and that was a lot of fun.....Yr 11 is really boring, there is no spark in it like all the other years. So yeah....:mad1:
  3. S

    How was your school day?

    That sounds really cool and nice
  4. S

    How was your school day?

    School is pretty cool and most of my classes/ teachers are great except i am all alone in my business studies class and all my friends are in the other as kujah already knows.