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  1. C

    Sidekick / Hiptop launched in Austraila

    really? im behind the times brah :mad1:
  2. C

    Sidekick / Hiptop launched in Austraila Its hip top 3 i believe. Seems a bit dear but im really keen to get one! theres a plan thats like 20 a month but it doesn't include calls but it includes all the other stuff like messaging and web browsing and SMS.
  3. C

    Speed Dating?

    hey cool thanks - i think i might. thanks for the advise. :) What was the name of the event you went to called? do you have a URL for it?
  4. C

    Speed Dating?

    ive never tried it but have been thinking about it but don't know how to get into it at all. I saw this clip and was embarrassed for the dude in it. he probably rollerblades in Manly in bike shorts. has anyone tried it?
  5. C

    anyone into skateboarding?

    mmmmmmm yeah ive been ice skating but only when i was heaps younger. it just seems with skateboarding that you can go anywhere. ice skating you have to get to a rink and I don't have a car
  6. C

    Youtube Vs Wotnext Vs Myspace Video - far far more content, also the video quality seems slightly better - seems the videos are a bit more original. plus there's a WAP site so you can get the content on your phone. video - again so much content. sometimes the videos load...
  7. C

    anyone into skateboarding?

    skating looks so fun, but also kinda scary . . plus im a girl . . . anyone skate out there? :confused: