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  1. O

    Monash law degree

    Straight law here. Like any law school, the 'quality' of the teaching at Monash varies - and by 'quality' I mean individuals who are attentive to pedagogy and actively teach as opposed to academics who assume teaching duties (the difference between the two is clearly recognisable). At this...
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    Just keen to get a bit of a debate going

    A law for a 'reason'... But one could immediately counter that the process whereby specific laws achieve legal legitimation is inherently flawed or problematic (indeed, mere proclamation hardly does the community justice in terms of creating basic awareness). And strict liability offences...
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    Just keen to get a bit of a debate going

    Of course, the above position happily suggests that there is some base moral component to laws (natural law), or legal legitimation resulting from a due process of parliamentary creation (positivism), that would justify the application of existing laws to individuals who may well be ignorant of...
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    Merits of Melbourne Uni

    I'm in almost exactly the same situation as you (geographically and educationally), and I often feel VERY different to other law students at Monash. In one of our 1st year compulsory units, the lecturer asked the students who were educated in public schools to raise their hand. Out of a lecture...
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    Funny post on Craiglists "Best Of": Law firm interviews

    I see you've already got your corporate a## kissing attitude in place. What a sad human being you turned out to be. :eek:
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    Grad Dip Education

    I'd say you'll get in. If Uni of Melbourne is anything to go by, they ain't choosy. From my experience with (some) Grad. Dip. students, they're complete dumba$$@#. Terrifying (with some of them) to think they're going to be teachers. :eek:
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    Ranking For Monash Law School

    The usual dumb remark is as follows: "If you want to make money, go to Melbourne. If you want to make a difference, go to Monash." Which is a load of bollocks. High performance in any school is what counts. If anyone thinks that a low performing student at Melbourne will be looked upon more...
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    Ranking For Monash Law School

    Some of these posts are hilarious. Quite honestly, you're only just beginning your studies (and some of you don't even know whether you've been accepted into law school). You've got a HUGE learning curve ahead of you, and your immaturity is strikingly obvious in your posts thus far. ENTER...