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  1. A

    Does God exist?

    Some Do.
  2. A

    Does God exist?

    You make a good point. I alway like to think of God's mind compared to human minds a bit like Humans in comparison to say a dog's mind- It's impossible to see things from his perspective and we will never be able to escape the limitations of our own minds- at least not in this world. That is why...
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    Need advice. Should I drop ext 1 math?

    Im also having trouble working out whether of not to drop subjects. All depends on if you think you will do better in your other one's but I reckon ten units is the way to go. I have 13 at the moment and I am definitly going to get rid of a few. It will give you more time to work on the subjects...
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    What is your all time favourite book?

    Don't really have a FAVOURITE book. However I recently read 'Kafka On the Shore' and 'The Five People You meet in Heaven' and was totally absorbed in them both. The kind of books which you are still pondering several months after you have read them.