Search results

  1. H


    thx!!! wat kinda thing i reali need to imporve???
  2. H


    wat kinda rank ? u mean from my skool ? bio 53 / 65 art 13~18 / 27[ arnd that] esl 10 /25 jap 7/9 ext jap 7/8 maths 23/ [incl. 3u pp] i m so lost with them ...
  3. H


    Re: Sos!!!uai prediction ... i reali need help!!! um... are there ani1 can reali help me ou here?
  4. H


    i know its annoying to ask ... but plz!!! help me with my mark ... esl 70 /100 2u maths 70/ 100 jap 60/ 100 ext jap 40~50/100 bio 56/100 art pract raw: 45.5/50 theo raw : 31/50 do anione no wat kinda uai i ll get? can it be arnd 75~80 ? my school is in the top 50s... [if that helps...]