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    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    narr i was posting that information bit for bigboyjames reply
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    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    oh shuddup uno wat i mean The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man, through a combination of...
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    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    so tell me if we came from monkeys, what happened to the poor fellow who;s still a monkey. Why we so lucky but his still aping around? i belive we came from adam and eve, but i DO belive in evolution, just not evoultion of humans. after all, who created the monkey which came from the .. which...
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    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    i HATE bush im not that into politics, but obamas black, bush is white.. id rather opt for the black guy this time round u feel me..
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    How do YOU feel..

    ^^ Hey thanks! study hard for next yr
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    How do YOU feel..

    oh man i wanted to do i poll with this thread, but i spent more then 2 mins tying in and now i cant boooo
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    How do YOU feel..

    This is just a general post, like how do u;s all feel about well the hsc.. I get that some ppl dont give a shit, cudnt care less wat not, and thats cool but for those ppl like my self who do want to do well and what not, how do u;s feel? to be honest i just feel tired like really tired i fill...
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    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    i get ya sisterrrr ahah its the worst thing i swer ive wasted so much time and paper writing up my schdules loool
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    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    dont laugh at us, cos we'r capable (& determined) to doing just a bit beter than you.. anyhoo. uai of 60 stop laughing & go study cos that would certainly be a waste of your childhood if u dont get a number like that gluc
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    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    yerr and no. somtimes uno. For the trials i waS FINNEE until about the 3rd exam when i was just super dooper over it and felt i had stuffed up on my favorite maths exam the day before. really did my head in just kept thinkin about if i had done just this (worst thing to do i swerr) And i kept...
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    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    Hey. your cool :)
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    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    OH Finally a freind i can sympathsie with
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    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    Does anyone else do this: Like u spend half an hour or somthing planning a CRAAZY schdule of all the things your gena get done today, and then u relise oh no im off schdule, so u modify it , and then u relise again its not gena work... meanwhile wasting time>> (but it makes u feel better, cos...
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    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    Is anyone else out there still trying to finalise on NOTES for the hsc, for subjects like legal or english.. Please tell me im not the only one haha See thats y i like maths, cos u dnt make notes for it u just practise n its all good. Man i cant wait till this is overrrr
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    Music And Maths?

    Thats enactly what i do I swer with music i can go on forever with maths, just gets me entertained and all that, and i do fine. but if its really hard i have to turn it off too haha Great to know im not the only one who does this. People always tell me that its not good too study with music and...
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    Music And Maths?

    Does anyone else listen to music when doin maths? i dont no why but its like the only way i can do maths for like 3 hours stight. i dont use music for any other subjects but maths, it makes me sit their and do questions, anyone else listen to music , just curious?
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    HELPPP srs think about this question

    i frekinnnnnn get itttt Yay Thanks your a champ take care
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    HELPPP srs think about this question

    Hey thanks heaps for ur help. I dont mean to be dumb, but can u try explain to me how u did it please Like with the domain, i get wat u did for the first step, but then wat, y;s it just left the same and yer thanksss if ur bothered
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    HELPPP srs think about this question

    Tell me about it! narr not paying for it, its the UWS online tutor thing... anyways i wasted no joke like 40 mins trying to get a answer to my question, and they kept saying sin inverse was 1/sin x and i got relly frustrated. btw i still need help with my question... come guys.. state the...
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    HELPPP srs think about this question

    IM SPINING OUT MY online tutor is telling me that sin inverse x IS THE SAME AS 1/sinx sayin What the> This is not true ive been brought to belive that inverse functions are different to 1/function... HELPP anyways im tryin to solve domain and range for sin inverse (x^2) Guys pleae help!