Man I suck at life..... Thank god for the Army.
My rankings are rank, oh get it. Horrible joke, sorry.
IPT = 1/11
Adv English = 7/11
Maths = 9/17
Physics = 5/11
AH = 3/25
I hate agrippina, it was reasonably easy though, didn't finish very well as I ran outa time and had to write the last sentence after they stopped etc. Risky but worth it.
The front of the book said USE PENCIL FOR DIAGRAMS.
So I used a pencil for schema and decision tree etc.
Meh, they would be fuckwits of markers if they marked you down for it.
Ours is a prick, "Out vile jelly!". Pretty well sums it up, they live their lives according to the piece of paper that they read out to us a thousand times.
I hate ancient history. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have to squeeze in the entire syllabus as there is not enough time. We barely finished the course.
Wish I did modern rather than ancient, more my areas of interest.
I do not care about Agrippina.
Cheers fishy.
At the moment I look to be getting roughly 40-50% in maths 2 unit exam on monday but average about 70% assessment.
Ranked 9/20 which includes Extension people.