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  1. F

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    I got dumped because he suddenly decided it wasnt going to work... this had no precedent, our relationship had so far essentially been perfect with no downs, but suddenly hes like: its not gonna work and i cant explain why i just know it isnt. I mean, there was no other girl for him, no other...
  2. F

    What attracts you?? In term of body

    hmm... what attracts me to guys? Dark hair Either blue eyes or really beautiful deep brown eyes Nice arm muscles... not really buff, just nicely toned :) Cute bum (the most important bit!) Not too tall... a head taller is streching it. I like half a head difference. other than that, anythings...
  3. F

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    English tomorrow. I should be studying now. But I just dont give a damn anymore I broke down about maths the other day And it brought along a revelation... I JUST CAN'T BE FUCKED IF I AM GOING TO WORK MYSELF UP TO A STATE WHERE I LOOK AT A QUESTION AND PROCEED TO SOB FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT...
  4. F

    favourite "Sci-fi" book?

    I'd have to say the Enders Game series is the standout for me. It's my second favourite series ever. But within it I actually like Speaker For The Dead the best (thats the second out of four for people who don't know it). Everyone should read it. The whole series. It's brilliant. I also liked...
  5. F

    The 'Tomorrow' Series and the 'Ellie Chronicles'

    Yeah, me too. It was such an effort to convince Mum to get them for me! She finally let my grandmother last christmas, but I had to go around reading them secretly from the library! Shows how much I love them, I guess. It's a good series.
  6. F

    Strictly ballroom! related text

    umm... I don't have on either, but my teacher keeps telling me ugly betty... maybe you could tape an episode? Sorry i'm not much help.
  7. F

    The funniest book you've ever read which wasn't meant to be funny?

    Aww, I'm gonna go get myself a copy now! TBH, I don't pay that much attention... If a book is funny to me, I'll think it was meant to be funny. Movies, on the other hand...
  8. F

    Why do you read?

    Motion sickness. Im my case. This prob wasn't adressed to me, but my brain isn't able to think too deeply right now. BTW, becky.davies, Artemis Fowl is my fave series ever!
  9. F

    Does anyone believe in God and the Theory of Evolution?

    Yep, but TBH I don't agree, it'd be more fucked up if we took it all literally. Jews'd all be running around killing all the 'gentiles' and saying god's on their side, and christians would be having serious issues in marriage, becuase the bible does say women are meant to be doing everything the...
  10. F

    buy music online or cds

    Really, it depends on who made the CD. Some I will get off the net and burn onto a CD, no prob, but with others if I don't have the complete album artwork I will die a schockingly horrible death. There's something nice about getting a CD, as well. I love the anticipation leading up to getting...
  11. F

    What are you currently Reading?

    Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Again. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!
  12. F

    putt putt mini golf ^^

    If you wanna make the trip, go to the Hunter Valley. Pest putt putt I've been to in ages. It's right next to the aqua golf (also v. fun).
  13. F

    Religious affiliation

    Christians are in existance because of the new testament. Just thought I'd point that out. And I don't take the Bible literally, so all that women subservidence and homosexuality stuff doesn't even matter to me. It was written for an audience that lived almost 2000 years ago. Just remember that...
  14. F

    Does anyone believe in God and the Theory of Evolution?

    I must admit, I believe in both. And no, I don't think the whole bible can be taken literally, bcause if it was then the whole world would be screwed with christians doing crazy stuff.
  15. F

    Your top 25 albums

    Where to start? All Silverchair Albums (Neon Ballroom is the best) All Van Halen Albums (Balance is the best) All System Of A Down Albums (Toxicity is the Best) All Iron Maiden Albums that I have (out of mine, The Number Of The Beast is best, but I don't know, there are like 30 odd albums I...
  16. F

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    Silverchairs new one, Young Modern Soooooo happy:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  17. F

    Music you HATE

    Delta Missy Higgins Fanning Snoop Dogg Stuipid actresses who think they can sing e.g. Lohan and Hilton She's evilness come alive and Duff evil evil evil hurts my ears my poor poor ears Dido Spears Hinder they are god awful gives mainstream rock a bad name and some of mainstream rock isnt too...
  18. F

    what are you allergic to ??

    Milk Some types of grass, although I have no idea which ones, so it's always a gamble... if I sit on this grass will I get uritcaria or not?
  19. F

    Why do you read?

    To escape the world when it becomes too much. To provide a basis for my daydreams... inserting myself into stories and checking how the characters will react is fun. Or better yet, insert character A from story A into story B and see how it handles it... To keep my temper under control... I'm...
  20. F

    Wanting a relationship at the "wrong time"

    :rofl: Idiot.:hammer: