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  1. I

    Economic Workbooks

    We already have a thread about economic textbooks but what about workbooks? Do you think they're worthwhile and which ones would you recommend? My class uses the Leading Edge one which is pretty good, although a bit simple at times. It's good for some basic practise after reading each...
  2. I

    "March of the Penguins" as a related text

    A lot sources have suggested the film, March of the Penguins as a text. It looks pretty interesting and I think it could be a great text but I'm having difficulty understanding how it fits into the concept of 'belonging' or not belonging. Can anyone help me out?
  3. I

    Year 11-- found out if you're in cont or background yet?

    Hey, Has anyone currently in Year 11 [i.e. doing HSC in 2009] found out if they're elligible for Chinese continuers/stuck with Background Speakers next year? My school gave in our forms ages ago but we still haven't heard. We're handing in our subject selection forms for Year 12 in a month...
  4. I

    How is this course run?

    Hey, I'm currently in Year 11 and my HSC subject selections are coming up soon. I realised I have very little information on 4U english. Could someone give me a brief runover of what the course is like, main strengths required, etc? It would be greatly appreciated! My friend mentioned that...
  5. I

    How useful is it in uni?

    Hiya all. I'm interested in studying engineering when I finish high school but my school doesn't even offer engineering studies as a HSC course [to the best of my knowledge]! Does anyone know if engineering studies is simply helpful and supportive or vital in studying engineering? One would...