you basically have about about 13 core law units you must complete. each unit is has certain pre-requisites, so that in first year you do 100 level law units, 2nd year 200 level ext..
this is what the handbook requires you to do, in order to complete law
here is a quick program i did based on...
i was just glancing at some of the pre requisites for 400/500 law electives, and most seem to be flexible. does this mean, i can start doing these electives as soon as 2nd and third year?
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
unfortunately the exemptions process seems to be a tedious bureaucratic exercise, where you will have to show up in person on the 13th, receive academic advising and converse with an exemptions officer. everything seems to be done on the spot, and will probably...
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
good question. I am trying to find out myself. dropped in an email to the student center, but have not received an answer just yet - they are rightfully busy this time of year.
in some institutions your enroll before, then get your exemptions/cps sorted out...
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
i got my credit for previous study form back in the mail today. they granted me 23cp at 100 level and 0cp at 200 level.
this is roughly how they calculate it:
although i am about to do law, i think they only considered the BA or i.e 68cp
and that's precisely why...
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
i recieved a uac main round offer from Macquarie University.
But as a NRSL, am i required to enroll between the 2nd-6th of feb, or instead enroll on Friday 13 February, the same day i can claim credit for previous studies? perhaps i must attend both days.
does Macquarie University offer units of study which relate specifically to IR? I know theres a HRM major/degree available, but does it provide a thorough analysis of a macro system including unions, the state ext.. not just the with the organisatin. Im looking for something similar to...
was kinda hoping they would have near east for ancient history!
what units can i do, which investigate civilsations like the hittites, hurrians ect..?
dam, thats pritt much the only thing i was looking forward to.
edit: do you recomend i dont major in Gov + int relations?
plus wtf are these 'gov exchange' units.."departmental permission required"
how would i go about doing a Bachelor of Economic and Social Sciences, and then transfering to a journalism degree at sydney uni, or uts, or even int studies at syd uni it even possible?
overall test = piss easy.
the only Q which pissed me off was 11, where A B or C could have been right.
i put A statutes, but fark knows which one is right.
now for art.
god bless art. i got like 48/50 with minimal effort. lots of research though.
post-modernism is a joke, couldnt bare to do it.
anyway dont know if you guys even heard of futurism, but i based my art on that movement.
my friends work kills everyones. i'll try and get a pic
need some help.
for my section 3 responces, i did all essays, with no diagrams.
is this ok.
or am i facked.
you guys are lucky you actually had a geo teacher to teach you!