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  1. Alias513

    Solvay process

    jm thanx for the notes u put up in ur msg ^^ really helps with phsyics and chem.
  2. Alias513

    The Tempest?

    woah bad luck dude....
  3. Alias513

    1984 - George Orwell

    woah?! r u serious...i havnt chceked out the other modules yet..except for emma/clueless and tempest. thanx alot ^^
  4. Alias513

    1984 - George Orwell

    wow..u havnt erad -.-;;? yeh i consider it as an imaginary journey. Because of the way it is setted. Altho ive started year 12 like others.. and thsee AOS is new to me still but the way 1984 is setted it a mysterious setting, which can be seen as an imag journey. also it was written in...
  5. Alias513

    New Term resolution

    yeh...same as you....except the 1 week in advance..i say make it 2 :D hm....less time on internet nd tv.. :S 'I CAN DO IT' dman... >_< actually paying attention in class good luck with all you ppl
  6. Alias513

    Its official im gone for teh half yearlies

    damn..i wish i can help..but im in the EXACT same position as you >_< so im studying till late at night to get my ass nd brain on overdrive >_<
  7. Alias513

    losing motivation should b happi dat ur doing well at school.!!! but there are reasons for ppl disliking school..such as peers..teachers..etc so..good luck! nd keep up ur good work!
  8. Alias513


    thnx for the advices ppl~
  9. Alias513


    just like most loosing my concentration to work..juz gettin fed up... how do i 'conquer' this thing.... + would anyone have a good Chem/Bio/Phy tutor around hornsby area??... thnx..