does anyone know what the 2006 hsc essay question was??
i'm trying to find a trend in questions asked but the board of studies website only has up to 2005... it's frustrating!!
i'm just getting in there with a pre-prepared essay of the fascination of crime fiction... if it's anything different...
does anyone know what the 2006 hsc essay question was??
i'm trying to find a trend in questions asked but the board of studies website only has up to 2005... it's frustrating!!
i'm just getting in there with a pre-prepared essay of the fascination of crime fiction... if it's anything different...
ok look, it's all fine and great that you seem to be doing so well... and good luck to you with results, you probably deserve whatever you get!!
BUT... to say "what have you guys been doing all year?"?!?!
just because we might've been screwed for this exam, does NOT mean we didn't put effort in...
I'm coming 3/17... complete fluke!
I got 58% in trials... just had biology yesterday and intended on doing some major cramming today but spent it being lazy and doing half-arsed study
most definitely screwed
mostly for fall of roman republic... i'm good at julius caesar if i read through a...
haven't started studying for it... need a creative writing idea
but there's over a week so it's ok
i have three exams next week unfortunately
little bit screwed as i only have 10 units =S
I did the themes used by both, and then the different mediums (fiction/film)
it was an ok question... just wasn't completely expecting if (obviously) and so i don't think i did a top mark essay but i'm confident i did fairly good.
i think that's generally what you have to study...
because within those 4 points are heaps of information to write about
write about what elements have been appropriated and adapted... such as scenes like the Elton proposal/car scene.. characters (Emma/Cher, Harriet/Tai, Knightley/Josh...
i think that's generally what you have to study...
because within those 4 points are heaps of information to write about
write about what elements have been appropriated and adapted... such as scenes like the Elton proposal/car scene.. characters (Emma/Cher, Harriet/Tai, Knightley/Josh...
i agree with a few points each of you have made.
But i don't think exam results have "everything" to do with your attitude towards your education... i know a lot of people who work so hard only it doesn't pay off. You might get into the examination room and find a question you weren't expecting...
Ok agreed... limited by its conventions.
I just wish they could ask a straight-forward question where we outlined what conventions are adhered to in a text, and how the composer transcends them or something.
or history of crime fiction cause i pre-prepared an essay for that.
i'm so glad my...
My teacher always said you have to build up your characters and language.
That's all the advice I have... i positively loathe creative writing in exams!!
Yeah you have to say how he mainpulates the audience... like what they feel reading his poems and how he has made them feel that way.
So use language techniques
Alliteration, assonance, simles, contrast etc
and find examples in his work.
And then your related should compliment this by saying...
why it's important to society and how it is limited
so it's important because it examines the flaws of contemporary society eg. pornography etc
not sure how it is limited.
well i looked up synonyms for value
and i found stuff like "significance" and "importance"
so basically that would be methods used to make a text important to the reader, right? and then you could draw in the texts you studied and say how the composers of those texts did it... right? lol