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  1. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    Just wanting to add... I got a full international scholarhip today! So... I am pretty excited to not be paying for school but I have purchased my ticket and will be arriving in Sydney on June 15th. Thanks a lot for y'all's help again! Whit
  2. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    I got my full offer last week so hopefully I will be in Australia very soon. Thank y'all for helping, Whit
  3. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    Good news! Ok... good news finally today. I haven't gotten an offer yet; however, my representative sent me an email that was forwarded from the university saying that they needed more information towards how much more credit I needed to actually complete my Bachelor's degree because... I am...
  4. GenHalfWhit11

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Re: Virginia Tech Shootings Ok... as someone who is from the US and still living here, I feel I must comment. Yes, these tragedies are horrible; however, the general US population is not to blame. Not everyone is bad here. There are still bad people everywhere. They are not only in America...
  5. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    Time might be off because I am in Central Time Zone... it is around midnight here. I think that is around 17 hours too slow for your time! Sorry for the confusion... Hopefully I will be in Australia in a month or so and my time zone won't be completely different from everyone's. I actually...
  6. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    Thanks a lot for the reassurance! I am still waiting on an answer... I don't really know what the timeframe is for sending in an application and getting accepted or not. It has been a little over three weeks so I suppose I might have a little bit more to wait. If y'all happen to know, how is the...
  7. GenHalfWhit11

    Question about acceptance for an international student...

    Ok... if anyone could help me with this or give me some kind of input it would be greatly appreciated. My name is Whitney and I am currently applying to Macquarie as an international student from the US. My application is in and all of that stuff; however, I really have no idea where I would...