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  1. T

    Is it suicide to do both Extension 2 courses (Eng + Maths)?

    I'm doing that...and up until this point I haven't found it to be too bad, but if you want to do well in both, I got two words for you...TIME...MANAGEMENT...seriously it is soooo very easy to spend days and days in doing nothing but your major work, but alot of times you don't really progress...
  2. T

    Drop 'em or keep 'em?

    Hey guys, I'll be picking up Ext 2 Maths and English for HSC soon, which would leave me with 16 units assuming i don't drop anything. My subjects right now are: Ancient History Chemistry English (+Ext1) Maths (+Ext1) Music Physics Now I regard myself as being pretty capable of getting a high...
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    Rural Schools: A Disadvantage?

    Hey people, just wanting some opinions. I go to a really small school (about 200-250 people) that's also pretty rural (a good third of the year leave at year 10, and almost no-one who goes through gets a high UAI). I'm aceing all my subjects there, but i'm worried that because there's no...
  4. T

    Ext. maths students.

    I'm coping...I think. We've done Circle Geo and Polynomials, which I've found fairly easy, but some problems just get ridiculously hard. Tried to do some Ext 2 Circle Geo the other day, had no idea lol.
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    What time do you sleep n get up

    Jeez how the hell do you guys function? I need at least 8 hours to be any good, and more like 9 to be on top of my game.
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    Got mine in a couple weeks. Anyone got any tips for study? Especially in the realms of Chem and Physics...coz boy am I gonna need it for those subjects
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    Studying tips

    Seconded. Plus make a (realistic) list of what you want to get done in your study session, really motivates me to get real results.
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    I get maths tuition, have done since before i'd done any exams worth worrying about so i'm not really sure how it's helped me on that front. That said I started looking at prelim and HSC topics with him to give me an introductory thing before i started year 11, and that's really helped i think.
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    What did you achieve these holidays?

    I did an english extension assignment, lotsa maths work...other than that not alot. Most of my time was spent on guitar...
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    Is anyone gonna do 7 subjects (13 units) for yr 12 HSC?

    AMEN TO THAT BROTHER!! Cannot stand Ancient with my teacher. As for units, currently doing 14, but there is nooo way i'm doing that many next year.
  11. T

    Please help circle geometry

    I'm looking around for the same thing, got a few things in my textbooks but i'm looking for something a little more challenging...I might be getting some stuff emailed to me soon, in which case i'll pass them on for you.