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    The Woolworths Thread

    ok thanks, so you shouldn't say (D)?
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    The Woolworths Thread

    hey my friend is trying to get a job at Woolies & im trying to help. on the Woolworths Careers website, it allows you to register yourself as a candidate. It asks the following questions: 2. How would you best describe your level of customer service experience? (a) No previous...
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    STI & blood tests

    Which STIs can you test for using just a blood test? Cheers.
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    After how long do u start farting in front of your gf/bf?

    lol wat about "before the first date"?
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    fat, 6 packs & flexing

    Do people only get 6 packs when they flex their abs? I know lots of people say that you have to get rid of any fat covering the stomach area to have a 6 pack but howcome you sometimes see people on TV (e.g. footy players, WWF wrestlers etc) who have a bit of a belly but then they flex their...
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    gf wants to have unprotected sex

    Is that a fair criticism that I have different standards for different girlfriends? I had unprotected sex without STD test for a previous one, but not her?
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    gf wants to have unprotected sex

    Hey this is a question for the girls. I'm with this chick and we have both had unprotected sex before. However, we have only had protected sex with each other. She said she wants to go on the pill and have unprotected sex with me. I said we should 1st go to the dr together and get an STD...
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    romantic anniversary gifts

    a collection of love poems
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    active thrusting before orgasm

    Usually, how many mintues of active thrusting during do you have during sex before having an orgasm? please specify your gender. the first 5 responses starting with "0-2 b" indicates you are a boy. the second set of responses beginning with "0-2 g" indicates that you are a girl.
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    if your girlfriend (continued)

    QFT @ musik junky
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    When do you become 'fully' hard

    when i say fully hard, i don't mean that you are limp when u try to enter. what i mean is that you have an erection but not hard hard.
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    When do you become 'fully' hard

    Do you guys wait until you are 'fully' hard (as hard as you can get) until you enter the girl - or do you only become 'fully' hard after you've entered and started thrusting in and out?
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    Condoms and uncircumcised penis

    If you are uncircumcised, you pull the foreskin back before putting on a condom, right? My friend reckons you shouldn't because then the condom is more likely to slip off. When you don't pull the foreskin back before putting on a condom, haven't you noticed that the sensation is less making it...
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    I'm not - i'm just asking what is safe and what is not.
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    so if you've kissed a certain girl MANY MANY times, then it would be ok to let her suck u off cause you wouldnt get anything from her that you already haven't?
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    like what im asking is, can you get anything from a blowjob that you would NOT get through just pashing her?
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    Can both people get STDs? or just the chick? like what if you've pashed a chick many times in the past and you haven't got anything. Can you get anything from her if she sucks you off?
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    oral / fingering and STDs

    because the lining is damaged on all my fingers. she doesn't have an STD, i just want to be safe, especially considering she may be having a period at the moment (i think she is),
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    oral / fingering and STDs

    what happens if my finger nail lining is sort of damaged, so I wear a latex glove while fingering? will she think i'm weird? well i guess thats better than exposing myself. but say I do wear latex while fingering, will there be ANY chance of me getting anything? cheers.
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    oral / fingering and STDs

    Are there any STD risks with fingering chicks and oral? And how can you reduce these risks? cheers.