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  1. S

    Does IPT scale well?

    i herd pdhpe had pretty good scaling tho? My mates did it and they said it scaled fine, they got around 80 for pdhpe.
  2. S

    Does IPT scale well?

    Any other comments will be appreciated :)
  3. S

    Does IPT scale well?

    Hey guys I'm just a bit concerned/worried about the scaling factor for IPT for the 2008 HSC. Out all of my subjects (adv english, pdhpe, business studies, ipt and maths) I am most concerned about the scaling factor for IPT. I want to get 90+ for my UAI. What score do I need to get for IPT to be...
  4. S

    Drop IPT or VET IT?

    Hey guys im new to these forums, seems like a great community here :) Ive just finished my preliminary course and now Im deciding which subject to drop. Ive narrowed it down to either VET IT or IPT (others include business studies, adv english, pdhpe,maths general and religion 1 unit). Ive...