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  1. Supaneo

    Section I (Multiple Choice)

    Easy Peasy Japanesey
  2. Supaneo

    Any updates on BIT interview?

    I have every intention of explaining my point of view... And why i should be in the interview stage... I'll publish my letter as soon as i am done.
  3. Supaneo


    hey! im first in this course at my school as well... but only out of 6.... my assessment mark was 90 how many do it at urs and what was ur mark?
  4. Supaneo

    Official Question 3 Thread - Change Response

    I began this exam with Question 3. I wrote a total of 11 pages which consisted of large handwriting. Previously i had small, unreadable writing but not it's all good. Speech was excellent! Although i wrote by name as the speaker in the spurr of things... Does that affect me in anyway...
  5. Supaneo

    End of year dance party!

    ISTARZONE ay! Which locations- hoyts? Speaking about parties... Organisers looking for a voluntary and economical glowstick distributor? Lazarus? Tatic? Glowsticks are in these days with parties like these... I sell the normal clubbers/ravers kind - 6" from a range of colours. Price...
  6. Supaneo

    UAI Results by SMS

    HSC students to get results by SMS September 16, 2003 - 12:14PM NSW's 63,000 Higher School Certificate students will this year be able to receive their exam results in a text message to their mobile phones. Education Minister Andrew Refshauge said the results would be available to...
  7. Supaneo

    How'd u go with ur trials?

    67% initially... ranked 16th? then i got 16 marks extra... 83% now... ranked 2nd but only in trial exam the rest was above average
  8. Supaneo

    What marks did people get for the trial CSSA I.T paper??

    Trials dont count... HSC Exam counts offcourse pretty good mark for a CSSA paper dont you think... i owned the phone manner question... did i mention that
  9. Supaneo


    Did anyone do these for the TV Script: stage directions camera angles camera shot types ? If you did and if you didnt how do your marks compare? Were they were required
  10. Supaneo

    Trials...has ne1 done it yet?

    initially i got 67% but then i discovered 16 marks in the answers to several questions and my new total mark is 83% ranked 2nd...
  11. Supaneo

    What marks did people get for the trial CSSA I.T paper??

    98!!! 2 of the most stupiest mistakes! Band 6 here i come... 1st in Class
  12. Supaneo

    What texts are people doing?

    Huy is Gay! GAY! paper 1: area of study: change elective: changing self Gwen Hardwood paper 2: modules module A: comparative study of texts and context elective: in the wild The Explorers and The Tempest module B: critical study of texts Narrative? In the Skin of a Lion...
  13. Supaneo

    What marks did people get for the trial CSSA I.T paper??

    Haven't got ours back yet either... Will recieve them next lesson so thursday... at the latest.. im ranked 1st in the class but these marks dont count for our HSC mark so i don't really mind what i get... as long as i get 100 in the HSC IT Exam im guessing 92... i owned those phone...
  14. Supaneo

    Controversy!!! Moderator Exams after Trials

    One morning earlier this week... We recieved notification that due to the outrageous number of people sick and away during certain exams in our trials... the best option to determine students (those absent) rank is to begin a moderator exam... Other options included for those to sit...
  15. Supaneo

    Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD

    If i get into IT/Law combined degree or UAI >95.3 (sister's mark) then ill be getting either the new Suburau WRX Turbo or a S2000 or a 350z
  16. Supaneo

    Battle of the Year 2003 - Australia

    Anyone going to the battle of the year this year.... Second year in Australia... Unfortunately i still have CSSA trials... with maths and IT left... Shoutout to the sikass Breakers Delight - danny, robby, ricky... Anyone going? Have any interest in going? or interest in Breaking
  17. Supaneo

    Dru Hill Concert - That thong, thong thong, thong thong

    Dru Hill coming to Australia... Weird because i haven;t heard many songs out from the Dru Crew... Anyone going?
  18. Supaneo

    paper 2

    Throbbing headache throughtout the exam... 4.5 pages minimum each module... Hand was dying and i could help notice the cough rate during our exam... 5 every 2 seconds at least
  19. Supaneo

    Trials...has ne1 done it yet?

    I have economics in the morning the science in the afternoon... on tuesday (tomorrow) Simple Science as stated... but you just got to know some minor things as well and be conscious of the minor mistakes
  20. Supaneo

    TRIALS = how'd u go?

    CSSA Trial - English 2003 Spent too much and wrote too much time on Question 1 and 2... Although q2 was well written, structured and had potential for full marks... Essay ran out of time... missed one text and only completed half a conclusion... Simplest Statement though... who would...