Yeah i did, but at the time i just clicked on the first one option cause it was the only one that made sense for me. Oh wells, I can always fix it come spring semester...
Geez I'm having trouble understanding the Web Enrollment for subjects in My student Admin. For "Enrollment: planned Subjects" tab; there is this area called "Listed below are the options you can choose from for your study plan. ".
It has Option 1: CBK90781- Major Choice (IT), Ver 1 48 pts...
Hey Don't Worry about that cause we get allocated the seminar when we are in the lectures. If you have read on the description column; all of those classes would say "Students will be allocated to seminars in week 1.". I'll most likely get the Wed 9.00am one lol. That's 6 hrs worth of...
I'm wondering how one lecture in the core subjects can go for 3 hrs! i was seriously wtf'ing when i saw that on my timetable. Can anyone from previous years give me general idea of what gets spoken to in one lecture?
A bit offtopic but is it possible to do the 8 core IT subjects in non-chronological order for the first year? That is cause i want to see if i can vary what i can do for semester 1 and 2 compared to their sample subjects listed in the handbook.
Sounds great! Can someone give me general information on the type of activities that we will be doing at the camp? I assume it'll be mostly outdoor eh?. Will you be coming Huratio?
When we go to enrol on the day. How do we prove to the UTS staff that we are doing the course?... Do we have to bring the offer letter that was posted in the mail or remember student ids that we got from that webmail signup?...I'm totally lost:(
I really wanted to make it into B Business/ B Science in IT but my UAI was far too low. Congrats on the people that did make it in . I Received an offer for B Science in IT :)
Thats good to hear:). Looking at the IT core subjects that need to be taken during first year; 'Programming Fundamentals' looks to be the hardest from looking. Is there any possible way to do this subject in the second semester instead of the first because the UTS handbook has Programming...
Yeah I think Business/IT is in the same faculty as IT which should make the transfer process easier. What do you mean by RELAXED... Does that mean people with 60-65% average have been able to sucessfully transfer over to the double degree?
I'm basically wanting to do the double degreee cause I...
I think i just missed out on B ScIT + B Bus :( but i think i should get the Science In IT. I was just wondering how easy is it to transfer from Science in IT to Science in IT/Business double degree. Would you have to have a lots of credits or distinctions?...Also am I able to apply for transfer...
Meh I haven't started studying for this but i got 2 days to study for it after my maths exam next monday. IPT is a pretty straightforward subject so it shouldn't be that hard.
He'd make it into the IT degree based on his spelling itself. Anyways, there is assumed knowledge for a reason and i bet you would get slaughtered by the maths subjects you'd have to take in the 1st and 2nd year.