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  1. AAO89

    Anal sex

    Dont joke around in here too much please... Ok so me and this guy ive been messing around with are kinda interested in having anal sex, any tips we should know from people who have had it? :cold:
  2. AAO89

    How do I find a man who stays fun and interesting?

    I've had several boyfriends in the past. In the beginning, they're fun to be around and we talk for hours, and we are practically inseparable. But after 3 or 4 months they seem to change. They don't want to go out and do things with me as much, do fun things, practically ignore me on AIM, ect...
  3. AAO89

    any alpha females on this forum???

    I'm an Alpha female, And boys want alpha females. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That boy you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to girls who treat him wrong...
  4. AAO89

    I'm a bitch

    So you slept with your best friend you don't want a relationship with, knowing they wanted a relationship and possibly using that fact to get in bed with them... NICEST WAYS TO LET THEM KNOW??? Help please I'm suffering a little depression over this.
  5. AAO89

    I think my parents are about to split up...

    Fucking sucks ;) Anyone else in a similar situation?
  6. AAO89

    How much effort?

    Heyy guys :P How much effort do you need to put in to do well in the hsc? I stay up all night and do my assignments fairly rushed like and stuff and i dunno how to focus :( Am i going to crash and fail or can i pull this off? how are you guys going with your effort/procrastinating? Ohh also...
  7. AAO89

    UAI help?

    Eng Adv: 2/110 Eng Ext I: 1/30 Eng Ext 2: 3/15 Maths 2U: 20/75 Art: 2/35 Modern History: 12/70 History Ext: 3/13 SOR I: 22/120 :confused::confused::confused: