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  1. M

    The Holy Qu'ran- Favourite verses

    and wait one more thing how many muslim people actually know how to read the quran...cos i was just wondering???it's only written in arabic and not evrey muslim knows arabic do they
  2. M

    The Holy Qu'ran- Favourite verses

    ummm did a muslim mufti not say that Australian women were like uncovered that not encouraging rape????????????? if the quran is so Holy why are muslim leaders encouraging hatred and violence against women?????
  3. M

    The Holy Qu'ran- Favourite verses

    stop saying that islam is the fastest growing religion in this world...u fool a muslim man is encouraged to marry more than one wife and have at least 5 children with each wife...I WONDER WHY IT IS GROWING SO FAST....and it amazes me at how ignorant and pathetic you are thinking that islam is...