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  1. S

    UNSW from MQ

    I'm sorry if this is yet another one of those threads but I'm currently doing B Applied Finance + B Economics at MQ and I'm wanting to transfer to UNSW and do B Commerce there next year. Can I still apply now? Do I do it though UAC? What are the requirements? BTW I'm a domestic student. I've...
  2. S

    Parking permit, Concession sticker, wall planner help!

    On the subject of the concession stickers, do they work for if I'm not going to Uni eg going out etc like concession cards ?
  3. S


    I'm attending the Busi Eco one on Friday. Dang 8.45 is soo early. What happens if we come late o.o ? Oh and I have a question: I'm doing B Applied Finance / B Eco, so what area of study am I considered to be under? Finance or Economics? The reason why I got sort of lost on enrollment day =[
  4. S

    HELP!!!! hav u read garys house

    lol... it may be too late but i have, and i did a monologue What i basically did was retell the story in my characters point of view. I did Vince and i just wrote about how i'm a wus and I like Sue-Anne