we got marked on the very first day. trust our teacher to say to us "usually we are marked near the end of the marking period because we are classified as country, but every once in a while theyll do us first" DAMN YOU!!!!! *shakes fist* naawwww but every thing went alright i guess. no one was...
lol holly, i dont think encouraging our teacher to give us multiple photocopies is a good thing
but yeah all books are fairly vague, i personally dont use them at let wikipedia tell me what to know and yes yes i know its not reliable which is why i often refer to encycolpedias
:D i go to there aswell when im in syd, infact i went there yesterday to get bleach and hybrid, though i was also looking for samurai champloo but they were all out :(
im not really including much about the actual theatre cause from all of the programmes that i have read, only one mentions anything about the actual theatre
im doin summer rain aswell. i reckon a musical like this one just shouts promotion and programme. though i just finished doing my acter bio thingyes and thats about it
my essay
hey i did an essay for drama on the removalists and no sugar, perhaps this will help you. if i had specifically said "WORKSHOP" i would have gotten more marks. this was second top in my class i think 3rd or 4th in my year. the question was how the plays written reflect our concerns and...
yeah im doing poster and promotion too, i reckon it'll be heaps good
i reckon im doing summer rain though i reckon itll be easiest to design for. if i get stuck though im gonna do private lives. i read all the others except for as you like it cause im not a big fan of shakespeare.
gosh i...