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  1. Cassias

    Anyone Performed yet?

    we got marked on the very first day. trust our teacher to say to us "usually we are marked near the end of the marking period because we are classified as country, but every once in a while theyll do us first" DAMN YOU!!!!! *shakes fist* naawwww but every thing went alright i guess. no one was...
  2. Cassias

    Please predict friend's UAI

    omg 80 is really good. geez boxes you must really stupid if you think that 80 is a poor UAI. go crawl into a corner under an emo cloud gosh.:cold:
  3. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    i like the second one though i think it will look better if the red box around the pic was thinner but thats just what i think
  4. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    the earlier the better
  5. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    and now yay!!!! im getting my programme, poster and flyer printed next thursday!!!
  6. Cassias

    Advice on books for SOR

    lol holly, i dont think encouraging our teacher to give us multiple photocopies is a good thing but yeah all books are fairly vague, i personally dont use them at let wikipedia tell me what to know and yes yes i know its not reliable which is why i often refer to encycolpedias
  7. Cassias


    my friend likes fruits basket but i like Kubo Tite artist of Bleach and Zombie Powder best
  8. Cassias


    :D i go to there aswell when im in syd, infact i went there yesterday to get bleach and hybrid, though i was also looking for samurai champloo but they were all out :(
  9. Cassias

    english hate

    i hate friggen english, whats the point of studying truth telling or what ever crap it is we have to study... honestly
  10. Cassias

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    taking the hobits to isengard lol
  11. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    im not really including much about the actual theatre cause from all of the programmes that i have read, only one mentions anything about the actual theatre
  12. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    im doin summer rain aswell. i reckon a musical like this one just shouts promotion and programme. though i just finished doing my acter bio thingyes and thats about it
  13. Cassias

    Amount of free periods?

    yeah every second wednesday off. plus i have about 14 study periods a fortnight
  14. Cassias

    How long are your classes??

    ours are just plain 50 min but yeah we have 6 periods a day
  15. Cassias

    Detailed notes on Multimedia

  16. Cassias

    strugglin with essays in drama

    my essay hey i did an essay for drama on the removalists and no sugar, perhaps this will help you. if i had specifically said "WORKSHOP" i would have gotten more marks. this was second top in my class i think 3rd or 4th in my year. the question was how the plays written reflect our concerns and...
  17. Cassias

    Notes on Augustus

    thanks though your notes are 44 pages long :0
  18. Cassias

    Completed poster and promotions on "myth propa.." in 2007

    ZOMG i love you and your posters, they and you are going in my log book. hope you dont mind
  19. Cassias

    2008 Poster And Promotion

    yay! yeah im doing poster and promotion too, i reckon it'll be heaps good i reckon im doing summer rain though i reckon itll be easiest to design for. if i get stuck though im gonna do private lives. i read all the others except for as you like it cause im not a big fan of shakespeare. gosh i...
  20. Cassias

    Jewish Environmental ethics

    lol my bad, shomrei adamah is a jewish organisation that does environmental stuff the new year of trees is called "Tu B'Shvat"