:D i looked around the UTS Law website and i found this! there are some different activities on Saturday, but they seem uninteresting (to me anyway) lol. ahahaha, maybe. maybe they DO need friends. ;)
hey avgust90 :D i'm going to tomorrow's one.:o it does say on the law faculty website that every student gets a prize, but i think the major ones are prizes for those who participate in the 'discovery' challenges thingamajig. lol. maybe everyone gets a minor prize? hmm..
Hey KGB. I'm only going to tomorrow's one, and probably leaving early, after the "International Studies/Law" session at 2:00. I don't see the point of going on the Saturday as well when the sessions that run are pretty much the same.. :o
hi guys, i just wanna know what you guys think about my timetable this sem..
9:00-11:00-> Perspectives on Law Sem1
11:30-1:00-> Criminal Law Lec1
3:30-5:00-> Legal Method and Research Sem1
9:00-11:00-> Pespectives on Law Sem2
11:00-12:30-> Criminal Law Lec2...
the textlists are up at the coop bookshop website. I called my faculty student centre to ask if they are accurate, and they said yes. just type in your subject number and it should show up.. also there are books labelled "text" and "recommended". the "texts" are the required ones.
lol, relax canygore. you did the right thing..we were'nt meant to fill out that bit. the part that says, "Full up-front payment of my student contribution amount
(You only need to pay 80% of your student contribution amount on or before the census date)" is for Aust citizens of perm humanitarian...
hey, i don't think ESL will hinder you from getting into a good university. besides, doing ESL and having english as a second language (+ other eligibility requirements. i.e. residence requirements) will most likely allow you to apply for certain categories in the Educational Access...
DO NOT drop the subjects that u enjoy doing. *shakes head frantically*. like SomaFairy said, if you enjoy the subject, pressure wouldn't really be a big drama. scaling wouldn't affect you that significantly if you're performing well in a subject, imo. i did art and i loved it. =D good luck with...
helloo. yeah, it says CSP too. we're still CSP (Commonwealth Supported), but we don't get the convenient options of a.) making a full-upfront payment with 20% discount b.) making a partial payment c.) defer payment. we only get the one option of having to pay upfront. but regardless of that...
hello again candygore. lol, i see we are once again in the same boat. hehe. well i think UGFF means 'Undergraduate Full-Fee' paying? which is basically us.. i don't even understand the whole 'deferrable' business at the bottom of the tax invoice... all i know is that i have to pay the whole 4K...
in short, no.. its not too risky. I was advised the same thing when I decided i wanted to drop economics, but I dropped it anyway, because I knew I wasn't going anywhere with it. As for me, I was putting more effort to get band 3's in eco, than I was to get band 5's and 6's in legal. If you feel...
Ok i just sent my eCAF form. umm, i dont think there's much we can do now.. i think we just might have to wait for whatever day we've elected to enrol in our course to figure everything out.. cuz i click on "My Subject Activities" and "Enrolment" and it says:
Sorry, but you do not have...
Yeah i haven't filled the form out yet, but see question 8 says "COMPLETE ONLY IF YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN OR THE HOLDER OF A PERMANENT HUMANITARIAN VISA" and since we are neither, i don't think we have to write our TFN...so im guessing what u did was right.. Besides, they're asking for the...
Yeah, hey, relax. I'm in the exact same position as you are, candygore. I'm a permanent resident, but not humanitarian. I called up UAC and they said the course we're applying for is still CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) BUT we're not eligible for HECS-HELP. Which means:
a.) you can't loan...