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  1. L

    Tutorial Registration

    when is the srping registrations open?
  2. L

    Unit offering option does not exist.?

    yeah i check its 300700 its a core unit for autume
  3. L

    Unit offering option does not exist.?

    in mysr i clicked "Proceed to check out" but it gives me the message "Unit offering option does not exist."
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    many subjects are in different campus>

    i have enrolled in b ict in para and picked a major in networking about 3 of the subjects are only offered in penriths. also one of my sub-majors subject is only offered in c-town campus, and non of does subject fits into my first yr spring Electives. So i would be carriing a elective into the...
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    Anyone doing ICT?

    hmmm was you able to pick statistics??
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    Help for Unit enroll

    Thanks! im in vuws now but how do i take the test? lol
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    Help for Unit enroll

    lol =( what i do if i fail =(
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    Help for Unit enroll

    How many times can i do the test? and i can't loginto vuws. Help please =(
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    Anyone doing ICT?

    hey can u read my other post on this site? about unit seletions
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    Help for Unit enroll

    {concerning all ICT STudents}Hmm it says to compelet the degree i need to have 240 credit points and finish the recommened units! but This unit unit says i need to complete a basic maths skills test! How do i do it ? is it hard? !!?!! When/where?
  11. L

    Marjors and Sub majors?

    if i pick more then one major lets say two is it possible? and does it increase my work load alot? and am i suppose to pick a submajor to go with my major? does that incease my work load? and how much?
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    Anyone doing ICT?

    are u enrolling now >? it seems that i can apply for more then one major ? how does this work?
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    TImetable question

    Was wondering is it possible to go to a lecture at 11am -12am and attent a prac or work shop that starts at 12am to 2pm? and give me some details like.. does it always happen? or class only give materials at begining of lesson? etc... does people go late to lecture pracs and tut?
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    Equity Scholarships

    iget centerlink money do i have to apply for the startup or what eva its called, or is it auto?
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    how/when to pick the major

    Im doing ict this yr. jsut got my ofer. Just wondering how or do we even pick our major in the first yr?
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    Anyone doing ICT?

    anyone doing information communication tec at paramatta campus?
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    how to accept UWS offer?

    i can't login to OSCAS it says it maybe due to time restriction? anyone has more information on this? thankyou in advance
  18. L

    Python question

    hey i just started SDD i got some really easy questions to ask im using a prgram named python i just want to know like after u write a simple program like insert your name rite how would u store the data?