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  1. S

    Food tech

    i have the book. I can probably try to scan them for you or something...(if you still haven't got hold of them yet) they come in real handy for studying for HSC :) (used them last year) if you want them and don't mind waiting about a week or so (have loads of assessments the coming
  2. S

    People putting down food tech

    i don't think scaling really matters if you do well in that subject =__=" definitely DON'T drop a subject you are good at and enjoy doing just because it supposedly "doesn't scale well" the whole HSC system is whacked anyway.... just because you do subjects that are "academic" and...
  3. S

    Do u cook in food tech?

    When i did food tech yr 11 and 12...we cooked quite a least once per fortnight xD and we always made nice food O_o it was always related to the theory in some way though :P e.g. my class did manufacture of ice we made our own ice cream xD (also used as an experiment, the...
  4. S

    Is your FT teacher...

    Both of my food tech teachers were female (for yr 11 and 12) but in junior food tech (9-10) i had a male teacher :)
  5. S

    Longest you have had to stay in one building at USYD

    Better to be in the one building than having to run from wallace to carslaw in like 5 min with a heavy backpack! i'm not in any one building for a long time..longest will be 1-6pm biochemistry lab 380 (for MBLG lab) but to be fair, it's only the one lab....
  6. S

    Introductions in Tutorials

    i don't mind them... (in fact sometimes i think it's nice to have intro...especially for first years...because that way you get to know some of the people..and probably make some new friends ) but with the tutes i go to... (8 tutes this year - first year science) only 1 tute had an...
  7. S

    Transfer Question

    Probably should send an email to the faculty of science to ask Email All enquiries including current student, future student and general enquiries:[at] Current student enquiries should contain a name and student ID number. <H2> </H2>
  8. S

    undergraduate booklets?

    Some of them i know you can just head into the university..go to the relevant faculty office and you will find hard copies of the "undergraduate" booklet for that faculty (e.g. if you are interested in can either go to the science faculty office..or even walk into the chemistry...
  9. S

    What are the things that bothers you at USYD?

    i don't think there's too many asians....=_=" and don't see the problem with having asians at the uni either Probably depends on what course you're doing... I don't really meet a lot of international students in my course (First Year Science) We do have quite a few Asians who grew up in...
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    「ジャニーズ」Johnny's Entertainment

    *darn i'm so late in noticing replies xD* waai!! another NewS Fan!! wooo....there's a LJ community? ok i gotta go join that now xD @uhawww why are you shivering? if you don't like JE no one asked you to look at the thread
  11. S


    Re: 花より男�*� watched first and second season. havn't seen final yet! (darn i should've just went to see it when i was in was on T^T) 私は松潤があんまり好きじゃないけど、花より男*を見た後で松潤はちょっと良いじゃん*と思った 想いが変わっちゃった
  12. S

    General Thoughts - Food Technology

    Re: so what you think about food technology exam? no idea what that guy was rambling off a bad image of private school kids...*sigh* anywayz about the exam..i thought it was ok..the bottled water and the fruit canning was a still alrite...i guess ^_^" i did...
  13. S

    General Thoughts: Japanese Continuers

    i thought the exam was alright. tho i still pisses me off the writing is limited to 300ji!! it's so hard to put as much as u know into 300 words @__@ i would prefer it if it was extended...mayb coz i'm used to writng things from 500~1000Ji....hmmm... about the directions..i thought they were...
  14. S

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Two exams in the same day? i had English paper 1 with japanese continuers xD my best friend has two double days! Eng paper 1 +japanese continuers and Eng paper 2+DT
  15. S

    How were your trials?

    got 88% something around there xD lol helps if you enjoy the subject...FT is one of my favs atm xD (def. love it a WHOLE lot more than mathematics and english adv T^T those are killing me!) possibly explains why i wanna go on to a Bachelor of Science (nutrition) @ USYD xD I made some pretty...
  16. S

    snack please

    i'm guessing you would've already done this... but just a doesn't HAVE to be extremely low in sugar....(think linking diabetes to sugar is a major misconception ^_^") you can look into using low GI ingredients...which helps maintain the blood glucose level. Of course being low in...
  17. S

    Any Preliminary Food Tech Ppl??

    i did prelim...just wondering why this talk about prelim was put @ the HSC food tech section..instead of the prelim one...... Food tech threads are deserted.......>_>
  18. S

    This place is soo deserted!!

    there hasn't been a post in months...and practically NO new threads are @ Food tech section >_> i food tech ^_^"
  19. S

    Contemporary Food Issues: Nutrition Independant Investigation

    i doing diabetes ( since i've been doing it since yr 9 food and as a class...we are also doing Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders