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  1. J

    Law students with UAIs under 70?

    hmm.............. that rumour is almost certainly, as already stated, untrue. More likely what was meant was that some law students got into law with UAIs under 90......but they must have had an 80+. I know coz I'm one of them. It's got to do with the bonus points scheme, depending on unit...
  2. J

    UWS First Year Business Textbooks For Sale

    Hello there, those from UWS or wanting to purchase these books I have on offer...hang on, is this thread only for business books? oh wells... *Business Academic Skills, 2nd Edition, Denize, Doyle, Caddy, Inglis Original Price (with no discount): $109.95 My Price: $90 Quality: Exceptionally...
  3. J

    Window by Jeannie Baker

    i also found that book as my related text!! it is kinda difficult to analyse, but i think the imaginative journey resides in the composer and readers coz they're the ones speculating about what our world wouldbe like in the future...not much help coz i'm still workin on it...srry