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  1. M

    People & Economic Activity - local case study

    I'm doing the Crowne Plaza Hotel Chain. It's just ideal if you can talk to someone there, so i picked something with a PR team.
  2. M

    How long did you really work on your SGP for?

    i'm not sure whether the HSC version of the SGP is still called the SGP, but its due monday, its thursday now, and im starting the report tonight and doing the extended response tomorow.
  3. M

    Does God exist?

    LAWLAWLAWL! God is the aether lol. Love your original argument moonlight.
  4. M

    Graduate of 2007 - Willing to help HSC students of '08

    diedrix is a noob. and i have the exact same problem, except im more of a delving too deep into examples, and not enough of them. any suggestions on how many quotes should be included per text in an essay?