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  1. gracehowden please help

    hey guys, i really need a name, something short and catchy for my PIP which is due on Friday( arghhhh) my topic is about mobile phones as a new method for communication( focusing on adolescents) and my cross cultural is across gender ( ie males/females) any suggestions would be very very...
  2. gracehowden

    PIP progress

    just wondering how much everyone has done on their PIP???? where should we be up to by now????? :confused: :confused:
  3. gracehowden

    surveys for PIP

    im doing my PIp on mobile phones, and need LOTSa peoplz to fill out my survey! it only takes 2 secs...thanks:D just mark and x in the appropriate box 1: How old are you? [ ] 15 to 17 years [ ] 17 to 19 years 2: Are you...