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  1. hayerley

    08 HSC Students - Are you 18 yet or not?

    june next year... sigh but i look like my sister who's 19 so i'm using her id for schoolies and if they ask why (which they won't lol) then i did pathways! hahaha
  2. hayerley

    Study music - Post bands (or artists)

    maths - the kooks, cartel, all time low, muse, paramore, OLD saosin - anything anthony green related english - nilllll pe/ipt/business/music - imogen heap, sufjan stevens, ben harper, regina spektor etc
  3. hayerley

    i hate this subject

    it's just BORING. so glad tomorrow's the end of it all!:D / :uhoh:
  4. hayerley

    What is everyone doing to study today

    i'm with you there, gloves!! cramming like a mofo right now. and then english the day after... ugh.
  5. hayerley

    What study did you do today?

    haha NIL. 6 days & i haven't started muahaha HSC? OH! You mean that little quiz before SCHOOLIES!! YEW. terrible, i know.
  6. hayerley

    CSSA Trial Business Studies 2008

    woo 159%! wow, that makes one answer of mine right :rofl: i felt pretty confident throughout the m/c but when i got to the other sections I totally bombed out. sigh my aspirations weren't very high for this exam...i ended up spending an hour of the exam trying to draw charlie the...
  7. hayerley

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    Wow, a brothel! It actually does make sense but what about the fact that men weren't interested/didn't go there a lot? Or at the end where it was like "the language was now obsolete" or something like that b/c I don't think that the language in or about a brothel would be obsolete b/c they're...
  8. hayerley

    Schoolies 08' Surfers Paradise!

    CAN'T WAIT surfers, party week, tiki village! :lol:
  9. hayerley

    CSSA standard paper.

    time management = totally bogus! I spent way too long on the first section (an hour! :S) I looked at the clock & was like f***! I found todays paper WAY easier than yesterdays but only b/c i'm shit @ creative writing :mad1: