barista, hoping to get a new job cause the place is in the shit.
all the good managers left and now theres one original manager left, so they hired a 17 yr old as a manager. hes a shit cunt.
I'm currently going to Girraween...HSC NOW!!! I moved to Girraween for the senior years and I've made some valuable friendships. Overall its worth it...because it beats the shit out of Macquarie Fields (my previous school).
The teachers are good...but try to avoid Engineering Studies because we...
Uniball Eye. used it for trials, it was great cause the school gave us shithouse paper and it absorbed the ink...
It seems to be like writing on waxed paper in the ext. HSC cause it smudges like hell.
Re: Modern History / Economics = Gayest Exam Day Ever!
know someone doing:
2u, modern and eco, 3u, 3u english
2u, eco, then a double up on thurs which is shit.
i am fucked...