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Search results

  1. L

    Any 1st students finding university life difficult?

    UWS is actually really good with this sort of thing (i don't care how crap anyone says it is). Our lectures are posted up before hand so we follow along on the slides, and if people say they're going too fast they stop and let everyone catch up and we still get though everything and finish in...
  2. L

    Chem textbook - which one?

    I own and used both the excel and dotpoint books. Dot point was great as it went through all of the syllabus outcomes and kind of set you up so you knew what to expect in an actual exam. Excel was a waste of money. Our teacher also took notes from spotlight but there was always alot of extra...
  3. L

    Baterries,,,, lol for the 1000th time

    In a document posted by 'powerdrive', under the chemistry of a leclanche cell it says "when the battery is new, no zinc chloride is present, the cell uses ammonium ions to form zinc ions." It would be fantastic if someone would be able to just explain what is going on there, just in a few simple...