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  1. K

    Horror stories

    Yes I think both of my extended responses sucked! Equality and difference more though!! Love the first two questions!! What is an Interview and Questionnaire!? Anyone could answer that!!
  2. K


    Well its over now! YAY! I really liked the questions!
  3. K

    What Did You Get Out Of Your PIP?

    I lost sleep! Haha... I do think it is a good idea because most people do learn a lot from it, but it was just so damn huge! Looking forward to getting it back though because printed it the day before I handed it in and didnt really get a chance to admire my efforts.
  4. K

    Multipule choice

    I enjoyed the multiple choice! 1B 2B 3D 4A 5D 6C 7D 8B 9D 10C 11B 12C 13C 14C 15A 16B 17A 18C 19A 20A 21B 22A
  5. K


    Definately like the idea about P Platers! Goodluck with it! :p
  6. K


    Great work guys! I love the ways you have disposed of your Journeys Booklets! Keep it up... Im currently trying to think of something creative, not happening! Love Kate xox :p
  7. K

    Its Over!

    Yeah I didnt really like the core performance but oh well.... What did you talk about in your major? I thought the question was a bit too general!
  8. K

    Its Over!

    hEy EvErYoNe! hOPe U aLL dId WeLL iN uR dAnCe eXaMs!! wHo'S gLaD tHeY'rE oVeR?!?!
  9. K

    IRP....Word limit?

    Thanks so much!!
  10. K

    IRP....Word limit?

    Hey guys! Seems like everyone has handed their IRP's in months ago but mine is due on friday and I was just wondering about word limits or minimums?
  11. K

    Catholic Trial for S&C

    What were some of your questions?!
  12. K

    HSC Performances

    Good I think.. Although came out with a sprained ankle after my major performance!!
  13. K

    Major Performance

    In our class we have 3 different Major Performances which our teacher made up!
  14. K


    Core Composition - Demonstrate a phrase from you work and explain why this best relates to your intent. Major Performance - How has time influenced your intent? Explain and demonstrate. Core Performance - Explain how correct alignment can help prevent injury. Your exams soon? I have...
  15. K

    Are we behind?

    Yes you should be finished everything before trials because the trial is exactly what it sounds....a trial hsc paper. Although my class has still 3 chapters to go and trials next week...they arent going to include everything in it. They cant ask you questions on things they never got around to...
  16. K


    Has everyone done their trials for dance? If so what were your viva questions....need some more to practice!
  17. K


    I dont have a ballet background but have been dancing my whole life...which has helped. Think my technique is ok but if I did have a ballet background it would help me out a lot! Dont stress too much! They mark it on your own personal ability so you dont have to be able to do the same level as...
  18. K

    Music For Dance

    Yeah look on all movie soundtracks cos its much easier to have the music relate when it doesnt have any lyrics, there is a lot of instrumentals on them!!! :) Goodluck! xxx
  19. K

    Viva Voces

    Core Composition - Demonstrate a phrase from you work and explain why this best relates to your intent. Major Performance - How has time influenced your intent? Explain and demonstrate. Core Performance - Explain how correct alignment can help prevent injury. They might not be worded...
  20. K

    integrating methodologies

    Mmmm....we got told to put all that stuff into the Log and the body just has your results and findings etc...dont think it will make much of a difference!