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  1. waterfowl

    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    That depends on how good you are...some people get kept on, others don't. If you work hard over Christmas and impress your manager you are likely to stay.
  2. waterfowl

    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    Hahahaha, thats what I said to myself before I started "it's just 3 months" that was almost 9 months ago and I am still there lol
  3. waterfowl

    Myer v David Jones

    I hate staying open late into the night like that....although I try to look on the bright side - I am getting paid to chat with fellow staff members, whilst having a lie down on the beds, or relaxing on the lounges :P
  4. waterfowl

    Myer v David Jones

    Anyone who works for Myer or David Jones find it very annoying how we are always competing with each other? I work for Myer, and this business with moving up the stocktake sale to compete with David Jones is just frustrating. Re-organising all staff hours, and all the nonsense that goes on...
  5. waterfowl

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    Can someone explain how it is that in ROTJ Anakin does become a force ghost? Because according to what Yoda says to Obi-Wan in III, you need to train to get that ability; and Vader was obviously not aware of it in ANH because he kills Obi-Wan, effectly making him 'more powerful'. Thats one of...
  6. waterfowl

    Star Wars Episode 3

    The only good thing for that would be the surprise element of "Luke I am your father!" which people had in the 70's anyway. Can you imagine Episodes I, II, and III being made back then? It would have been impossible - Yoda fighting, R2D2 flying etc would have been impossible to do.
  7. waterfowl

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    Anakin's transformation was done very well. Having Padme die at the end, and Vader being all torn makes it more tragic - he journied to the dark side to save her, but ended up killing her instead; he was manipulated by Palpatine and this is what makes you still able to feel sorry for him.
  8. waterfowl

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    That was by far one of the best Star Wars episodes!!! The camera moves and shots were awesome! Great end to a great set of films!
  9. waterfowl

    Rules for Customers

    Some department stores have bins...Myer I work in does, at all (at least most) of the entrance doors.
  10. waterfowl

    Rules for Customers

    Oh my gosh I hate people who dump their rubbish! Like it's so hard to carry your rubbish a little further to a bin. I mean I hate it when people hand their rubbish to me to put in the bin, but I'd rather they do that than leave it on the shelves for me to find later. And people who just put...
  11. waterfowl

    Rules for Customers

    Unfortunately I don't think I am allowed to do that - Myer is too nice to customers! I guess that's why we get so many assholes :P
  12. waterfowl

    subway: whats it lilke???

    No. Firstly - security cameras. Secondly - number of tickets are counted at end of day and put up against number that should have been given out that day. Thirdly - get free subs when working anyway. And as for the question about 6 months expiry and that...I have no idea :P Therefore...
  13. waterfowl

    School funding

    Sometimes not even the facilities matter. I did better at my high school that had poor facilities, than at my other high school that had "top of the line" facilities. (Both public) I believe better education is experienced when there are less student numbers, teachers who love their job and...
  14. waterfowl

    Rules for Customers

    Customers, why do you always have to come in droves when my friend has dropped in to say hi and I want to talk to them? I swear it's like they have some sort of radar that detects that you want to have a conversation, and decide then to ask for service - this also happens when you are having a...
  15. waterfowl

    Rules for Customers

    Myer ->> If you have children, don't let them go wondering off into other departments, especially when you are not even on the same level as them, and especially when your child is a SELFISH, SMART ARSED LITTLE BRAT WHO DEFACES A YODA TALKING FIGURINE WORTH $119 THAT WE CAN NO LONGER SELL...
  16. waterfowl

    School funding

    ??? what the?!
  17. waterfowl

    Problems in customs...

    Not really a horror story - but on my way out of Sydney just after walking through customs I got asked to show my boarding pass and was randomly selected for a 'bomb test'. I was asked if I speak English (thought it would have been obvious) and shown this piece of laminated paper that explained...
  18. waterfowl

    Rules for workers

    If you have a bag or a pram you should expect to be watched; majority of people who steal, hide the goods in such items.
  19. waterfowl

    Rules for workers

    Maybe you look suspicious, and therefore workers are following you around in order to keep an eye on you.
  20. waterfowl


    It is a managed fund (an investment fund managed for a number of clients by a company, often involving a combination of fixed-interest and property investments at the discretion of the fund managers). Therefore I lost money because the investments went down in value. However it is a long...