Would it be feasible for you to move closer to the campus?
I used to live in Kiama and go to UTS which is why i moved to Hornsby. There was no way i was going to be travelling for that long each day!
yeah my timetable kept changing. One day it would have lecutres and a certain time then when i looked again later that day the times would change.
Apparently there was a screw up in the computer system or something
i was just wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers about what i should cover in my essay-
"Account for the rise of and eventual resolution of tensions over Berlin in the period of 1945 to 1989"
any help would be awesome thanx! :)
How long does everyones have to be....
ours is something like 3000 words...is this the same for everyone? :S i think thats tooooooo long personally but....meh....oh well lol
its always best to write about something you know about! something you feel strongly about. If you have been given a topic that you dont know all that much about- research it so you know what you are talking about :)
mines due first week back as well....i have only just started... hmm im stumped on the first question as well. I'm doing poetry and i really dont have a title for my major work yet. hahaha so im just crappin on about how i havent got a title yet but its still a work in progress.
My teacher...
hmmm.....:$ ive only done 1300 words so far....i really have to get a move on...
but i am really happy with those 1300 words...so i guess thats a good thing *looks hopeful*
hmm i never thought seriously about doing that....i always had it in my mind but i related it to more childish poems- so you dont think the markers would view it like that?
yeh i used to skate back in the day! :) hahah it was mad cuz the guys always seemed to look up to me cuz i was a chick skating!
yeh, i have a mad world industrys deck, tensor trucks china bearing n spitfire wheels....
ahhhh back in the day! :P lol