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    gwen harwood practise questions

    Heya does anyone have any practise essay questions for gwen? any and all would be much appreciated!! thanks!
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    Quick trials question!

    hey guys just wondering of in the trials, do all three electives for module B do the same two questions? or are there 6 questions for module B
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    Nothing To Report

    Hey guys i saw that this poem was good related material for telling the truth? i can't seem to find a copy of it on the net so if someone has it could you post it up please? thanks heaps...
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    Lost salt gift of blood QUOTES ANYONE?

    oh really? i thought it just meant quotes. that makes it easier! thank you!
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    Lost salt gift of blood QUOTES ANYONE?

    im doing all the stories, we have to write a creative writing piece with close reference to the text...not real easy with this one...i think ill have to resort to shipping news and heaney
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    Lost salt gift of blood QUOTES ANYONE?

    hey guys. im looking for really relevant quotes in LSGOB for retreat from the global...anyone one have some particularly good ones? thanks heaps...
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    Help with Spartan Society

    thanks dude! yea they got stolen out of my desk at the end of last year! and we don't have a textbook, we got everything in handouts...anyways thanks for that, i must have missed those ones!
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    What car do you own?

    77 fun! not a V8 but someday soon... "if you cant rev it then chev it"
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    Help with Spartan Society

    hey guys. k well i know this may sound like im just scabbing notes but at the end of last term i lost all my ancient notes...everything on spartan society. theres not much thats of any use on the main page so if anyone has any? any help would be great, i got half yearlys first day back net week...
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    what happened to...

    stepford wives hahahaha
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    yer man either a 308 or hopefully a 350 chev, supercharge it, paint it adn then we'll have sum fun! me n my best mate both have toranas, probably end up racing them. should be good...yer the GTR is sick, but mine will be just as quick i betcha hehehe
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    i mean old engines,carby engines... wow! u rebuilt it? well done! those things are so complicated. i dont mean plastic if you look in a new holden v8, you cant see anything! look in an old 308 and its all there! easier to understand... i prefer old cars, much funner to me. sure i...
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    is anyone in here mechanically minded or do u all just read magazines n know big words? can anyone here actually work on an engine? like a real engine, not those plastic ones...a V8 perhaps? its sooo much more fun knowing everything about ur car. u save a lot of money on repairs too!
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    does anyone have a V*8 in here? or any older holdens or fords (apart from that fairlane)? my best mate and i both have '77 toranas. in a few years we be racing them for a club but for now we are both doing rebuilds. his is the SL/R, mines the SL, but soon hopefully it wont matter! big 350 Chev...
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    Can't you have a long relationship without s_x??

    I dunno, we just havent. dont feel the need to just yet. we talked about it, both of us is ready i guess, but yea, just havent yet
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    Can't you have a long relationship without s_x??

    tru tru, but me and my gf have been going out for 14 months now, and we havent. its only once u begin that its hard...once u pop... lol
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    song lyric help

    Driving heels by Jimmy Barnes...Leningrad by Billy Joel
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    Do you have a Crap english teacher?

    I hate hate hate hate my english teacher!!! i have him for 2u, 3u, and 4u, and he sucks in all of them. he prepares nothing for the classes, we read things in class which he has never read before n half the time they are irrelevant anyway...grrrr i have a feeling my marks in the SBAs will be...
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    Getting Started: Major Work Proposal

    hey thanks heaps!!!!! lol nah we didnt get a outline at all...just got a assessment sheet n a due date! lol so yer thanks heaps i was stuck as t where to start...thats really helpful