I just did some quick calculations and wrote sown sum formulas i thought might have been applicable (i think, i cant really remember :)), im not too concerned anyway... three-unit chmee unit!
How'd you'll think you went over all? I found some of the questions a little bit left wing compared to repvious years exams. I think it was fair though. The questions were alright. With some of the multiple choice, i found i thought either two or three were close answers of none of them seemed...
I thought that was a really fair exam! sure, a few questions stummped me a bit, but if u had studied and knew your stuff well, you will go fine! at least with amths theres a definate right and wrong, unlike frickin english!
I thought the communication section was great. A lot i thought i could have answered with general knowledge... well some anyway! like the last question on how animals use colour in the environment? Easy. Good ole biol!
Line Graph
The Line Graph is the most appropriate form to draw the graph in. This Information provided was continuous, for every consecutive year, there was a value. If The dates jumped around of we were counting the number of animals in a region, a column or bar graph would have been...