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    What UAI did you get?

    Uai I got a 92, im happy with my mark, acutally quite stoked. SAM predicted 91.35 and JUAI predicted 91.05 I guess that the UAI doesnt decrease every year....
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    edassist hsc programs?

    I went to a couple of them last year, they are good for revision, byt do not expect to be taught anyhting new. More so the lectures they had for the sciences were worth it but the ones they had for 2U English were not that impressive, most of the suff said was covered greatly in school. I...
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    Hey.. Im doin my HSC, well now.. Anyway i am very interested in Engineering and have narrowed down what i wanna do to civil, mining and mechanical, really leaning towards mining right now. I have the 2003 UAI minimum entry UAI, but a couple of my friends said that next year there is going...
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    Supplementary Material: The Individual & Society

    ive been looking around for a visual text for an assesment for school and am doing Persuasion.., i also took a look at one made in 1947 based on Dickens - not sure of the name The Great Expectation?? something along those lines anyway. Both these films have a very authentic Victorian setting and...
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    Individual and Society Essay - Creative Piece

    Individual and Society - Creative Piece As an assesment task, our grade has been asked to to write a creative piece reflecting upon 19th century ways of thinking? (Big Suprise). We were also told that we could not extrapolate or use any events that occur in Pride and Prejudice, but we could set...